If you want to earn extra cash writing, you need to write and the sooner the better. The reason for this is that age plays a big part in generating income online. Aged domains are viewed as more credible than new domains by search engines such as Google. That means the sooner you create your site and get some work published and indexed by Google, the sooner you could be earning extra money.
Write now and be patient. A lot of new blogs take time to get noticed by Google depending on their subject matter. The best thing to do is keep on writing, eventually Google will come to their senses and release you from search engine purgatory. If you stay focused and busy, you’ll soon be indexed in Google and have a pile of fresh content to offer the masses, all perfected SEO’d and bringing in more traffic by the day. Once that happens you start to earn extra cash writing.
Also work on back-links, these are links to your site from other related blogs online – where possible get them to use your exact targeted keywords for your blog.
A blog that I find very inspirational and packed full of information is Grizzly Brear’s Make Money Blogging site, infact anything that Grizzly types is worth reading, so check out his other sites as well! Anyway, one article that can help you make the most out of your earn extra cash writing efforts is his Make Money Using Blogs series.
He touches on many great tips in Make Using Blogs lesson 5 including some quick ways to get back-links by submitting content (it has to be unique, not duplicated from your site) to article directories like EzineArticles.com or Goarticles.com. He also points out that answering questions at Yahoo Answers is another great way to get a solid back-link from a source that Google respects highly.
Grizzly also recommends setting up an account with Feedburner, it’s free and has some nifty features that can help you in your pursuits to earn extra cash writing. Feedburner allows readers Stumble or Digg your post which enables you to get indexed faster. It also lets you track the number of hits you’re getting to your page, and to see what your visitors click on to exit your site. Grizzly points out that this later feature is great to tell which (if any) of your affiliate links are converting and to drop those that don’t.
It’s inspiring to see how someone like Grizzly earns extra cash writing – in fact you could probably argue that he’s far beyond the ‘extra cash’ stage by now. But he started out the same as you and me, with one blog that he had to write content for, optimize for the search engines and generate the organic traffic to earn money from Adsense. When you doubt if all the work is worth it – just remember that Grizzly is doing it right now, and with a little time and effort you could be too.
But it means that you need to start right now, not tomorrow or next week. You need to start somewhere, you have to take that first step. You can start for free using Blogger and be making money in a few weeks or months (depending on how hard you soak up these lessons and apply yourself). How many other businesses do you know of where you can earn extra cash for nothing down?
The sooner you start the better you’ll be. It doesn’t matter if you don’t have a full grasp on how this entire process works, you learn best by doing. If as a species we all waited until we understood how to do something, we would all still be crawling on the floor in diapers. Only by experimenting, trying and trying again is it possible to grow, learn and evolve. This is what it takes to earn extra cash writing.
I wish I started out with Grizzly’s blogs. Instead, I read from various different sites and took a stab at things on my own. I spent money I didn’t need to spend on domains and on webhosting, and I didn’t earn money for months. But even if you count that as a mistake or a failure I came out of it with two things – two aged domains and experience.
Now as a pupil of Grizzly’s I’m applying what he teaches with a Blogger blog that is free. I enjoy writing and sharing what I’ve learned with others – I hope I can help others in the way that I’ve been helped since I first went online to find a way to earn extra cash writing. Writing your own contentis one major step – so many people can’t do this or hate it so much that if you can do it and even enjoy it you’ll have a tremendous advantage. From there if you can learn some basic SEO concepts and generate backlinks you can go far.
So consider this post a call to action to get you off your arse and start writing a blog so that you can finally earn extra cash; a passive income that requires less and less time and makes more and more money. I’ll be exploring some tips on how to come up with content to write in some future posts as well as discussing some ways to monetize your site to earn extra cash writing.
Thanks for reading earn extra cash writing!
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